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Pierre-Alain Duc
Service d'astrophysique
CEA Saclay ­ Orme de Merisiers
91191 Gif sur Yvette cedex, France
tel:+33 (0)1 69 08 92 68
Date of birth:
January 01, 1969
French nationality
Family Status:
Married, 1 child born January 19, 2005
Charge de recherche at CNRS (Faculty, 1rst class)
Service d'astrophysique - CEA Saclay, France
(Deputy director of UMR AIM since 2005)
Charge de recherche at CNRS (Faculty, second class)
Service d'astrophysique - CEA Saclay, France
Research Associate
Institute of Astronomy - Cambridge, Grande-Bretagne
Post-doc of the European TMR network on "Galaxy Formation and
ESO Fellow (Post-Doc)
European Southern Observatory - Garching, Allemagne
Functional work in the infrared group
Cooperant (Service National)
European Southern Observatory - La Silla, Chili
Member of the DeNIS (Deep Near-Infrared Survey) project operation
Young researcher award of the French Astronomical Society (SF2A)
ATI Grant from INSU/CNRS
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Studies and diploma
Doctorate thesis of University Paris VI
Service d'astrophysique - CEA Centre d'Etudes de Saclay
Subject: formation of dwarf galaxies in interacting systems
PhD adviser. F. Mirabel, defended in January 1995
(with highest grade)
Master in Astrophysics and Space Science (with honors), University
Paris VI
Engineering studies
Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees (Paris)
Specialization: Electronics - Imaging and Detection Systems
Courses in Astronomy at the University of Mississippi (summer session)
Preparatory School to the "Grandes Ecoles" (Lycee du Parc, Lyon)
Baccalaureat Serie C (with highest grade)
Research topics
Environmental effects on the formation and evolution of galaxies
- Multi-wavelength study of interacting systems; formation of tidal dwarf galaxies
- Dwarf galaxies in clusters
Evolution of the properties of galaxies in clusters
- Dust enshrouded star formation
- Galaxy clusters as large scale sructures (XMM-LSS project)
Evolution of field galaxies
- Properties of Gamma Ray Bursts hosts
Previous works
- Systematic survey of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
- identification of the optical/infrared counterparts of microquasars
- Infrared surveys (DENIS project)
- Opacity of spiral galaxies (master thesis with F. Mirabel)
- Contribution of clusters of galaxies to the X-ray background (with D. Gerbal)
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Scientific Production
Nomber of papers in refereed journals: 42
Nomber of papers in Conference Proceedings: 55
IAU circulars: 3; Observatories Journals: 2
Press release: 5
Research Administration - Responsabilities
Member of Scientific committees
Programme National Galaxies from CNRS
- Scientific secretary, 2005­2008)
- Member of the Scientific Committee (2001-2008)
- President of the Time Allocation Committee for OHP/TBL (2001-2004)
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT)
- Preesident of the French Time Allocation Committee (CFTCFH) (2005-2008)
- Vice-president of the Science Advisory Committee (SAC) (2006-2009)
Member of the Scientific Committee of OAMP (2004­2007)
Service d'astrophysique du CEA-Saclay
- Deputy-director of the laboratory AIM (UMR 7158, 2005­2008)
- Member of the Strategic Group (2001­2003)
- Member of the communication group (since 2001)
Conference Organizer
- International Workshop on Tidal Dwarf Galaxies (Saclay-Paris, january 2001; 20 participants)
- Annual Workshop of the PNG (Paris, June 2002; about 50 participants)
- Chair of the Scientific Organizing Committee of IAU symposium 217 ("Recycling intergalactic and
interstellar matter", Sydney, July 2003, 150 participants); Co-editors of the proceedings (published
in June 2004)
Regular referee for 'Astronomy & Astrophysics', 'Astrophysical Journal' and 'Astronomical
Studient Advisor
- PhD advisor of M. Boquien (Service d'astrophysique of CEA­Saclay, since 2004)
- Co-PhD advisor of P. Weilbacher (University of Goettingen, defended in 2002)
- Co-PhD advisor of E. Le Floc'h (Service d'astrophysique of CEA­Saclay, defended in 2003)
- Master thesis advisor of F. Bournaud (Service d'astrophysique of CEA­Saclay, defended in 2003)